Afra Eisma
Afra Eisma (b. 1993, NL) lives and works in Den Haag, the Netherlands. Eisma's work places a strong focus on emotions as an inner source of strength, highlighting the potential for trauma to be a catalyst for empowerment and change. The installations are characterised by their vibrant and colourful nature, serving as a strategy to address sensitive issues and illuminate the darker corners of personal experiences. Their work engages in a playful exchange between seduction and accessibility, inviting viewers to explore the surrounding subjects with curiosity. Recently, Afra Eisma has been dedicated to creating immersive installations that actively involve the viewer, turning the sanctuary into an extension of the body. Generosity becomes a form of resistance. After Feline Whispers, Eisma’s solo exhibition in 1646 in 2020, The Hague, she was invited to make a commissioned installation for Kunstinstituut Melly in Rotterdam that was on show for over two years. Ever since, Eisma has been led to international institutions such as Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães, in Portugal, Fries Museum, in Leeuwarden, The Tetley Museum, Leeds and Wälnö Aaltosen Museo, Finland as well as a group exhibitions in the Textile Museum, Tilburg, The Netherlands, Fundació Joan Miró Museum Barcelona, Spain and participate in Dhaka Art Summit 2023 followed by a presentation in The Kiran Nadar Art Museum, New Delhi, India.